Teaching of the month - Nov 2024



Seek within your own mind the questions that bother you. Seek with patience. Allow the mind to be settled and peaceful so that the conditions are right for the seeking.

Sit in a proper manner. Respect must be given whenever you seek answers from the Divine and unless you are unwell, the meditative posture should be adopted.

There are many hindrances along the way of cultivation, and indecision will be a great obstacle to overcome. Once a doubt sets into the mind, calmness of mind cannot come about. And then there may arise fear which makes one lose confidence not only in himself but in his Lord too.

To be free from the hindrances is the first step towards the goal to Liberation otherwise there can be no peace within the mind and meditation will be impossible. To do work without confidence is a wrong practice. It is the duty of all those who are serving to first of all attain a calm mind and then to develop the urge to be of help to others. Only with the feeling of loving-kindness within the mind can anyone serve beneficially. Disciples must be told not to take things for granted that just because they are able to serve and to receive some guidance, they are of help to those who come here. At all times they should be filled with deep compassion for the suffering ones, and with great patience, they must desire to bring happiness to others. The practice of gentleness is also important. There is much to learn for each of you and unless you honestly reflect in deep contemplation on your own character, you shall not be able to recognise the ugly sides of your natures.

Seek then the truth that can be found within your own mind. Seek not to know worldly things or things which are speculative in nature. Seek to know yourself and see what kind of a person you really are. Recognise your faults and seek the way to correct yourself for you are sitting in front of an altar that is dedicated to Me, for you are doing work in My Name, you must be filled with virtues, must be practising the virtues that represent those arising from My Name!

Calling My Name without understanding the reasons why will not bring about much benefit. To call Me is to have the desire to practise what I represent. To call Me is to invite Me into your heart and mind. To call Me and expect Me to respond to your call, you must be one who is honest, noble, righteous and compassionate. The world is filled with misery and people suffer without knowing why. Life is only pleasant when you are not filled with wants of health and material things but the moment the desire arises with you, needs are there. So there have been many who call because they have needs and all kinds of cravings. People do not identify the cause of their desires, do not think about eliminating the causes of desires, and so they suffer miserably - then they call and expect help to come! I hear your calls; I know your needs, I respond according to the honesty of the calls and I can only give a sign of help which will stir you to change for the better so that bad causes are not planted through realisation of good and wrong once you begin to look within your mind in what you are, who you are!

Develop the habit of sitting in self-analysis and see your faults clearly and then attempt to correct yourself with honesty. To avoid facing the truth will only set you back and peace of mind can never be attained during meditation.

The hindrance of sensuality is very strong in all beings. Giving way to the senses is very easy. Covering up your own guilt is easier. To be honest in knowing oneself is indeed difficult! Peace of mind cannot be attained when there is anger, hatred, envy or ill-will towards others. Practise good-will! Learn to speak well of others or at least do not discuss the faults of others. This is another of the meditative hindrances.

Those who seek the help of the divine are generally the dissatisfied ones who are either sick or someone dear to them are in grave danger, or they are filled with some kind of a guilt complex. It becomes a natural reaction for them to seek divine help and it is also a good opportunity for those who are assisting them in their search to point them the way to turning towards the good path. Those who have benefitted may then change for the better simply by having seen the good examples of those who serve to show good virtues and practise kindliness cannot be ignored. Only those who are true to themselves and have the concern for the well-being of others can serve well and serve for a long period of time. Only those who are bent towards self-improvement can take the discipline of meditation. Only those who have the heart and care can retain the spirit to serve. Only those who have practised and gained equanimity of mind can really be useful for Me. Therefore, look within, seek to know your mind before anything else. When effort is made some result must come about, when perseverance is practised, better results will be gained, when patience has been applied, the state of mental bliss will be attained. When you become such a one, you shall be another beneficial being that the world needs!

Saturday, 26th February 1983 (1st Moon 14th Day)

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