Teaching of the month - Dec 2024



The practice of perfections towards the goal of being a true Kuan Yin disciple must be done with one’s own effort.





How many times can you ever say ‘I am sorry’ for all the wrong acts that you have committed? How often do you realise that the thought is the cause of all the effects, so that each thought is the root cause of each act? Have you ever pondered deeply on what maketh a person to commit the acts which are knowingly distasteful and yet the deed is done. The motion of the mind causes the desire which produces the thought that maketh the act?

All things are inter-related and when effort is spent in seeking the truth of reality, this chain or links that have not been realised can easily be seen quite clearly. That is why by meditation and contemplation, one learns the truths of life whether one is learned or not. All truths are simple but not easily recognised and therefore the difficulty for the deluded minds to discover.

How many times do you have to say “I am sorry that I am again seeking your help?’ If the requests made have been of a selfish nature, then after a few times you will realise that you have not known the truth and that you are depending on the Cosmic to grant you favours and things. And you will ask again and again until the day comes when you may not ask again because you will be disappointed. But if what you have asked have been selfless and for the sake of benefitting suffering beings, that would be quite different; for each request made is indeed a blessing to bear; for each time that you ask for a favour, it is out of pity and concern for the welfare of others. This is the beginning of the tracing of the Bodhi Mind.

It may not be much in the real sense of achievement, but it will be the root cause of bringing forth the Enlightenment Thought. That you care for others out of compassion, you are actually cultivating a heart which is universal in this life time. But it will be a long time for anyone to purify the heart and mind that have been defiled by cravings and debased acts since past ages. So patience must be employed, so perseverance must be there, so giving (generosity) must be practised, so morality will purify the state of mind, so meditation will be the aid to seeing the truths of existence and then wisdom will arise out of deep and sincere practice which must be applied. How do you go about developing these fine virtues of life? How well you practise them will be entirely up to your own determination.

But hearing the pleads which are meant for the well-being of others, how many times you call, I shall answer and never tire to hear. It is the way to practise, it is the way to the goal, towards achieving the state of Buddhahood. Those who have walked this Way will be too glad to help, to assist in every manner, to cause you to harden your determination to strive on. There must be times when you arrive at a stage of grave doubts and there shall be times that you must guard well. Any sensible person must know that he should not expect miracles to happen each time he wishes or asks for something, even from the gods, Bodhisattvas or Buddhas. Outward manifestations are not good aids to cultivation for then patience will be destroyed, perseverance will not be employed, giving will not be out of one’s effort, morality may be weakened, meditation will be too difficult to practise, and Wisdom will never be gained. It shall be by your own hard work that you will achieve solid results which will be the foundation for future practice. Then when you only ask for the miracles to help others, you will not put forth your own energy so that true compassion is absent. And then you will be ‘sorry that you are asking for requests’ even for the sake of others, because such things in life do not happen that will bring about manifestation just because you have asked. It will be filled with danger once the mind is developed along this act of expectation for it will mean that the ego is leading the thought, created out of desire and Ignorance. To be one who can perform miracles will not benefit others and oneself. Sometimes miracles do happen but the real reasons for their manifestations are not what simple thinking them to be. Those who get well, they have no more fear for sickness and death because they may suffer the illusion that such a man can give them life, and cultivation will be far from him. To the one who attains some power to perform miracles, his ego will surface to rule his thinking and waywardness will be the temptation which will lead him to the wrong Path.

Therefore, the practice of perfections towards the goal of being a true Kuan Yin disciple must be done with one’s own effort. Understanding the Dharma will help doing the acts which are preceded by good thoughts will be the method. At all times, realise the danger of each thought that arises, for it may be out of wrong desires born out of Ignorance. Guard then each thought with mindfulness lest a wrong act ensues and Karma is created for it is well to remember that you are what your very own thoughts are made of!

Friday, 17th June 1983 (5th Moon 7th Day)

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