Regular Activities
Regular Activities
KYCO is a way place for Kuan Yin devotees and all activities are F.O.C. No membership is required except where stated that you need to be a regular devotee of KYCO to attend some of the activities.
Our Regular Activity Schedule is as follow: (Time is GMT +08:00)
Tuesday / Thursday
1) On Tuesday and Thursday (except Public Holidays)
(a) Chanting and Blessing session: starting at 7:00PM
(b) Dharma Talk starting at 7:30PM
(c) Prayer and chanting starting at 8:45PM until 9:30PM
2) Meditation:
This is a session arranged for the Initiated or regular devotees on Wednesday starting at 8:00PM. Presently we do not have Meditation session for public.
3) On Saturday:
(a) Chanting session: starting at 3:00PM
(b) Dharma Talk: starting at 3:30PM to 5:30PM or 6:00PM
4) Sunday Dharma School:
On Sunday (except School Term Holidays or Public Holidays) starting from 10:00AM to 12:00PM
Kuan Yin Festival
5) Kuan Yin Festival Day:
Three times a year, we also celebrate the Kuan Yin Festival which falls on the 19th day of the 2nd Moon, 6th Moon and 9th Moon. The Eve's prayer and dharma session will start at 7:00pm until 12:00am. The sessions for the Kuan Yin Festival day will start from 6:00am until 8:30pm.
Current and Comming Events
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