Teaching of the month - Oct 2024



One must persistently apply mindful awareness and willpower to subdue all the arising unwholesome thoughts and feelings, and evil tendencies. This practice, combined with performing wholesome deeds, helps to weaken and eventually purify the defiled mind of its evil roots of greed, hatred and delusion.


The ability to have a peaceful mind upon the commencement of prayers is a sign of the mind having been greatly subdued. Learning to pray is not an easy matter. If it were just mere recitations of words and verses, this is not a difficult matter. But if it were to put one’s mental state at peace while prayers are being recited, while rolling the beads, then that is an achievement. It will take much practice and time before this state of non-wandering and absence of agitation is reached. How many amongst those who come here have attained it?

The root of the problem lies within the mind. It is always filled with desires and therefore manifold thoughts are always present. This is the unsubdued state and it will always rebel against being subject to control. Gross rebellion can easily be overcome and unless one is aware of it all the time, during periods of seemingly calm states, subtle thoughts begin to surface. These disturb the mind and influence one to become restless without knowing the reasons for it. Subtle influences are the hardest to overcome and they are latent with power to bring about another cycle of resistance causing many to forsake the practice. That is why it is not that easy to practice and one is called a cultivator once he or she is on the path of practice.

The cultivation is towards attaining the great and constant awareness of the nature of the mind and the arising and subduing of its malevolent influencing thoughts. It is the ability of not falling prey to them by knowing and having the strength to avoid getting involved in acting towards unwholesome or evil thoughts. It is the ability of weeding out the roots of evil which are generally known as Desire (Greed), Hatred and Delusion. All thoughts arising from them weaken the self and due to habit of the past, one easily indulges in them!

What is to be done then? Keep the precepts! If this can be done then evil is avoided, and goodness is cultivated. Therefore abstaining from killing, stealing, sensuality, falsehood, unkindness, slander, envy, covetousness, hatred and such evil actions destroys evil tendencies and encourages one to take to the path of goodness which is the cultivating of good roots!

Those who are able to live in accordance with the simple instructions of the Buddha are always planting good seeds which will someday take root. Then when this happens, they will enjoy freedom from desire (greed), freedom from hatred and freedom from delusion. Although this may take time one must not be easily discouraged. The important thing is that one is clear of the path which is to be taken instead of wandering in a pathless jungle! Life provides all living beings with the challenges and opportunities to ascend the ladder of spirituality which promises a happy and wonderful existence. The rule is to abstain from evil and to practise goodness!

Thursday, 17th July 1987 (6th Moon 22nd Day)

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