Let this cause you to make a leap into realizing that ‘nothing can happen without a cause’ and that ‘thing will happen because the conditions are there to cause it to arise’.
Go back to the readings of the messages and teachings then, if you are unable to recollect them and you will find that much have been revealed about life being a continuous flow of events, both good or bad, or happy or sad or life would be static and meaningless and you will also find that much have been said about how it should be lived so that nothing the comes with life is not beneficial.
Reading the messages and teachings may give you the impression that they are difficult to put into practice. But you will be surprised to know that once they are put to practice, the reverse effect will be experienced, for it will be difficult for you to put it to an end!
So may you discover that if you had not put them to test, you will never experience its truth nor know the joy and beauty of this Pathway that you have stepped into!
This being so, make use of this year to live the Teachings.
Om Mani Padme Hum!
Sunday, 27th June 2010 (5th Moon 16th Day)