Teaching of the month - Mar 2012


Why has this Path been called by so many names? That’s simply to tell you that this is indeed a Path of Endurance. For all that needs to be learned has to be learned and all that needs to be practised has to be practised, even to the state of Perfection!

In time to come, you will understand better that this is not just any religious path but the Path of all Paths! Let others call it what they wish, but to you, it should be clear that it can be called by any name.

The Path of Kuan Yin: why is this so? That’s because it is a Path that leads to the perfection of the Self, a path that calls for the perfection of virtues, a path that brings about perfection of devotion and compassion, a path that matures the Heart of Bodhi, a path that gives rise to the Mind of Wisdom! That is why it is called the Path of Kuan Yin, or simply, the Path of the Caring Ones!

The Path of Learning: More than being a Path of Worship, of Devotion, of Service and of Compassion, this is also a Path of Learning that leads to Realization, which at once makes this a Path of Wisdom! Know then that this is not just any ordinary Kuan Yin Shrine for ordinary believers but a sacred place where Kuan Yin Happenings are ever witnessed, and where Kuan Yin Teachings shall be continuously flowing to change the heart of many. This explains why it is deserving of a meaningful name as a “Kuan Yin Contemplative Order” of Kuan Yin followers. For it is here that many will develop the ability to listen, and then to contemplate on what has been heard!

The Rewards: And what shall be the rewards of this practice? Only those who will practice it with faith and love will be able to enjoy the fruition of a steady downflow of intuitive knowledge that can give rise to realizations! And what could be more fulfilling than these realizations?

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