Teaching of the month - May 2024



Today is not the same as yesterday and therefore cannot be as the days of yesteryears. Time changes everything and therefore, the manner of My (Niang) guiding you cannot be the same as you have experienced before.

You are now in the midst of learning how to cultivate, how to live a life that is right and suitable according to your understanding of cultivation, how to serve with the right frame of mind, and learning to work according to your level of achievement. To feel different, to feel unsure, is to be expected. How much did you know when you first began and how much do you know now? And how little do you know should be the point to turn you towards the path of knowledge. Each experience provides you with some knowledge, and each day gives you some more experiences.

So the days ahead are to be looked forward to with eagerness because opportunities will be there to benefit you in every way. Live each day well no matter how many problems you will have to solve, for they are there to benefit you. To act on My behalf is not easy. You must be prepared for everything which includes all kinds of situations in life. Pains and doubts must become a part of your life. When you can face them with a calm mind and are not affected by them to a state which will trouble your mind, you are on the track of living your life wholly and have arrived at the right knowledge. Complaints in life will be many. Attitude towards life must be free from illusion. Once the meaning of life has been grasped, then to serve Me is very meaningful and all kinds of complaints will cease. But before such wisdom has been reached, life is sometimes unbearable because ignorance has enveloped the mind. The true mind must be searched for with great patience, endeavour and perseverance. When you have found the essence of the mind, you have found the greatest treasure in life. It may take you years or lifetimes, but the search must continue because you already know that there is something very much worth the while to search for while others are still living in a dream world.

How you feel, how you hope for guidance, and how you yearn to know more, I am aware of. But richness of life cannot be obtained just by mere wishes. You know what is required of you to draw Me closer to you, you are practising that which I have asked you to do. The journey is long, it is not easy, but you are already on the right track towards the Right Path. Persevere, strive on, and for the sake of knowing how the Way should be travelled so that others may benefit by your knowledge, let there be all kinds of obstacles in the forms of pain and doubt which should not deter you in the least. Whatever you have experienced should be good enough foundation for you. Live by My Teachings, live by the keeping of the Precepts as taught to all by the Lord Buddha, live to serve Me so that many may find the benefit and in the end you will live a life of fulfillment!

Continue your work and do not doubt that there is always guidance from Me!

Monday, 6th December 1982 (10th Moon 22nd Day)

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