Teaching of the month - Mar 2024




The most interesting thing about life is its great variety in every aspect. It takes away the drabness from the world and adds colour to life. That is why one must learn to accept life in its totality.

Although man is inclined to discriminate, to prefer some things over the others, it is his duty to learn to accept all that make up life. This is a wonderful world to those who have understood what it has to offer, and this can be a woeful world to those who have developed the habit of drawing a line between this and that, clinging to some things and rejecting others. So this is a unique world, a great place to be in because it is where a person can create happiness or misery for himself not only in this lifetime but into the future ones! Life in this world is therefore a great opportunity to elevate oneself from the lowly state to the highest. It must not be wasted!

Beings in the world are of infinite variety because the number of living beings in it are countless. Looking at man, can anyone find two identical persons in looks and characters? For sure, no two persons can be exactly alike and this is because of the Truth that each being is his own creator! Even though two persons try their very best to be the same, it will still be an impossibility to be so. That is why each person is a rarity, is unique, because it is the only creation in the world of men. Therefore, let no one look upon others with disgust even though their forms may not be to their liking. Every being exists in this world for a purpose, if not to play a great part in benefiting others, to fulfill his own needs in the process of life. When we are unable to know the purpose of others, what right have we to criticise or judge them? Then what about our own characters? Can perfection be found in them? And what is the reason for this? It all began with the mind and its qualities which shape both body and mind. So it is necessary for all to learn to guard all thoughts that surface in the mind! This is Dharma practice! Thoughts are the causes of all results and so the five aggregates are all entirely the end-results of one’s past thoughts. This then offers a great chance for anyone who is not happy with his or her present form and situations - to develop a new set of thoughts that will generate a new self and better situations in the future!

Only in this world is such an opportunity attainable so life cannot be regretted, must not be wasted, but to be utilised fully and fruitfully! There are always ample opportunities for each being to wake up from his dream or illusion. These are the occasions of happiness and misery that one can see everyday, that one experiences throughout life. And when they are ready, the teachings will come into their lives, for them to listen, to think over and then to plan to live in the right manner. And to learn to see this world without discrimination so that they will be able to relate and care for all! Looking at the world in this way is like having the Dharma Eyes which will bring about peace and happiness to those who have them. Then when such a state is attained, one’s heart will be filled with love and compassion, then all beings will be dear to him!

Monday, 20th April 1987 (3rd Moon 23rd Day)

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