Teaching of the month - Jan 2024




Through one’s own efforts one will be able to reach the goal. The level of one’s practice will determine the level of attainment. When one is pure, one will reach the state of purity and so there is no way to measure which is the best and most suitable Way to follow or practise.

There is no need for anyone to be over involved with worship, for any extreme kind of practice will lead one towards the wrong Path. Patience must be exercised. Charity must be practised, sympathy must be in the heart and then one is right and ready to follow My Path. But the True Wisdom must be realised and it does not require much intelligence to attain it. When one is ready to exist for the sake of being useful to other beings of the world, one is ready to walk the Bodhisattva Path.

There are quite a few who come here with such aspirations. The early stages are the most difficult period of cultivation. Let there be guidance and encouragement and then all difficulties will be overcome. There is no need for anyone to pray to Me throughout the day, there must be no expectation that by constant praying all problems of life will be solved.

There must be understanding that practice requires genuine effort so that it is not measured by the time one puts forth. Rather, how clear is one’s mind, and how true one is towards the Path, will determine how far and how fast progress can be made. I need only those who are sincere and are not afraid to fall to be the candidates to pursue the Path. I need those who are full of spirits and will be ready to accept some forms of sacrifice without any feeling of loss.

The state of mind will determine how ready one is. The steady ones will be those who are prepared for slower progress, and better still, if progress is not measured in any way just as long as they are able to be of help to others without being asked, without being rewarded. The true nature will manifest only when the mind has the right kind of motivation. So who are the ones who are ready to walk My Path? How can one tell? How can one know? Each person will walk according to his ability and so there must be no comparison as to who is more advanced or superior than the next! When there is no question asked but that the cultivation of discipline of the body, speech and mind is adopted, this is the state of readiness.

It will be a long time for anyone who wish to know when liberation can be reached. It will be just an instant to those who do not even care for cultivation towards liberation but will continue to cultivate with the right spirit. Therefore, all must be advised to practise purity of heart and mind for the sake of practising so that the qualities of patience, charity, sympathy and all the other good virtues will surface without one trying to realise them. Practising good deeds towards others will be the best form of cultivation even if one feels that it is difficult to understand what practice means. That is why there is no need to feel superior or inferior to any being when one is truly walking this Path in the name of Kuan Shih Yin!

Tuesday, 30th November 1982 (10th Moon 16th Day)

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