KYCO's History
Adhering to these 18 qualities will help us in the 10 Steps of Practice of our Order namely, pray, give, sit, care, serve, practice, purify, renounce, harmonizing culminating with a Heart of Love. Taking this further, She also taught us the 10 Steps of Learning through seeing, hearing, experiencing, contemplating, realizing, inner knowing, serving, forgiving, teaching and intuitive learning. These 38 qualities are deemed complete in its entirety.
To walk this spontaneous path as one with a warm and caring heart we need to follow these five practices, which are Aims to be fulfilled, Tasks to be undertaken, Rules to be followed, Challenges to be faced and Goals to be attained. The Divine Mother has showered us with everything that is necessary to walk Her path successfully. Central to all these are the seven gifts that She has favoured us with, which are : the Guru-Yidam, the Holy Mantra, the Sacred Path, the Contemplative Order, the Blessed Teachings, the Kuan Family and finally the Temple of Light and Love. There is nothing more that we can ask of the Divine Mother than what She has already given us. Likewise, She too expects nothing from us except to invite Her into our heart and to practice Her priceless teachings.
That it has taken us almost 27 years to realize this dream of having our own temple came not by accident, but by the design of our beloved Kuan Yin P'usa. We have come a long way, traversing three cycles of 9 years of learning and training, within each cycle another 3 subcycle of 3 years. Much have we benefited from the teachings, exhortations and encouragement patiently channeled through our Sifu by our Divine Mother, Cho Sees and Guru Chi Kung in the daily and the seasons' messages.
May the blessings of the Founding Gurus be showered upon you all.
Khor Kuan Chuan
[Note: This article is an editted excerpt from our Kuan Yin Festival's newsletters issued in November 2004 and July 2006]